Garrett GT40 / GT4088R

Posted on 08 December 2011 by admin

GT40 TurboGarrett’s GT40 just screams out potential when your glancing into the compressor inlet. Garrett has always done a great job at engineering turbo’s especially for the jap crew, however the GT4088r is a funny turbo because it’s rated at 370 – 650hp but it’s recommended for use on 3.5 – 5.0L engines, so it would be ideal for 6 cylinders or larger, I did find it funny that after doing research we found a lot of Honda boys running the GT40’s.

Again a straight forward set up like all Garrett’s mid range turbos, oil and water cooled CHRA, external waste gate, T4 flanged twin scroll turbine housing, it also does feature a ported compressor housing to increase protection against surge. Being such a large ball bearing turbo and for its price it certainly is a steal, great for any low RPM large displacement engines, but I would not recommend it on a Honda Civic.

RRP $1900

Tech Specs

Rated HP: 650

Compressor Side Turbine
Wheel Diameter
Inducer Exducer Trim A/R Wheel Diam Trim A/R
63.50mm 88.0mm 52 0.72 77mm 78 0.85/0.95/1.06/1.19


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